
Friday, October 12, 2007

My small review of The Apartment Movie

The apartment comes under the category of one of the intelligent, dark drama, comedy, ever created. Brief plot is Jack Lemmon plays an office worker in a big insurance company in New York City, who desires to climb the corporate ladder. He trades his apartment (soul) for favor of promotions & his apartment becomes a love-nest for his married executives. He falls in love with his elevator operator girl & she has affair with his boss. Things get complicated when she attempts suicide in his apartment etc. As I stated before, the characters development was exceptional, little unclear, casts performances (Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine) was awesome. Another specialty of this movie is it was shot three simple sets yet it holds viewers interest until the end.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My small review of Bringing Up Baby Movie

Bringing up Baby is class screwball comedy with extreme absolutely absurd characters cracking faster dialogues & made for depression era audience only? This movie is about a paleontologist (Cary Grant) who is waiting for his new dinosaur bone to be delivered to him. With one million dollar donation to his museum in air, he goes to the golf course on a mission. Just coincidently, he meets this woman (Katharine Hepburn) and everything just seems to go wrong with him. Afterwards Katharine makes the situation such that he needs to travel with her to Connecticut with leopard namely Baby. After reaching, he loses his intercostals clavicle bone to a dog named George & rest of plot revolves around a leopard, a million dollars, a bone, a dog, a bad circus leopard with Cary, Katharine. Many scenes involving Cary, Katharine are hilarious. Grant saying "My future wife has always regarded me as a man of some dignity", "I am not myself today", "I am victim of your unbridled imagination" etc brings very good laugh’s. You will feel very funny half way but once very possible character starts doing the same thing, I felt it was annoying. Definitely a good movie but this is a classic? I don’t agree on this one. I will write more about dialogs & few favorite scenes later. Definitely it is good movie but it never sticks to your memory. May be I need to watch this movie again?

Monday, October 08, 2007

My small review of Memoirs of a Geisha Movie

gei·sha [gey-shuh, gee-]
–noun, plural -sha, -shas. a Japanese woman trained as a professional singer, dancer, and companion for men.

With late 1930’s Japanese setup, brief plot is about a long journey of a nine-year old Japanese girl, Chiyo, who is sold by her desperate father into slavery along with her older sister Satsu, in to world of geishas. As plot progresses we will see her struggle to unite with her sister by escaping from boardinghouse, simple incidents turns her empty life to life with hope and events leading to professional geisha etc. Plot wise really nothing really interests except some understanding about geisha's culture, their life styles. However with good acting & stunning visuals & very good background score, this movie engages you until the end. Again if you like good movies, you may like this one with following big mistakes. Despite good theme, maker made very big mistakes like casting popular Chinese actors for this Japanese movie & characters talks English instead of Japanese. {Japanese dialogs with English subtitles are most appropriate for this kind of movie.} Also like Last Samurai, Japanese cast is more appropriate for this kind of culture context movie. DVD comes with rich set of additional futures, in particular this movie is based on novel by Doug Wright, once she was a first American geisha & her guidance to this movie making & music composition & director Rob Marshall thought's etc.

Dialogs are very good in few scenes, One good scene.

Man: What’s you name?
Girl: No response
Man: Don’t be afraid to looks at me. Someone has been cruel to you or
Perhaps life has been cruel?
Girl: I don’t know
Man: None of us find much kindness in this world as we should
Do you like sweet plum?
Girl: You mean to eat?

Last weekend movies

Memoirs of a Geisha (8/10) {a nine year’s girls journey in to geisha world with great acting & stunning visuals & very good background score. Big mistake is usage of English language & using popular Chinese actress instead of local talent.}

Bringing Up Baby (8/10) {definitely entertains with its screwball comedy for first viewing but never creates any long lasting impact like city of Lights etc. A classic movie? Oh no. Solid time pass movie only.)

The Apartment (8.5/10) { Avoided for long time thinking it contains same old annoying battle of the sexes things but surprise to find very funny and superb charter study and nice little surprise ending.}

Brave one (7.5/10 Same old plot but engages you until the end. Good time pass thriller. Don’t expect too much.)