
Friday, November 02, 2007

When Harry Met Sally (1989) movie review

I watched "When Harry Met Sally..." nearly a decade back. Last weekend, I got a chance to watch it again. Just picked the DVD from library. Brief plot is about the friendship between a man and a woman. As story kicks in, we will see Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) move from their college years into their early thirties. They are good friends; however, the question is whether or not a man and woman can be friends. As story goes on both fall in love and the two are often left in the dust looking at each other. Perfect comedy timing & good chemistry between Billy and Meg & fine dialogs keeps viewer attention till the end. Not in-depth but movie offers cute insights in to men and women relationships. Very enjoyable romantic comedy and well made.
Few good one liner dialogs

When a woman is not attractive, you always say she has a great personality.
A man can never be friends with a woman whom he finds attractive. The sex part always gets on the way.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Painted Veil (2006) movie review

Starring & produced by : Naomi Watts, Edward Norton
Directed by: John Curran

The Painted Veil is directed by John Curran (We Don't Live Here Anymore) based on W. Somerset Maugham's novel. This is simply a great love story set in China during its colonial period with a cholera epidemic as a backdrop. Brief plot is a Shanghai based English Doctor Walter (Norton), who marries a lovely Kitty (Watts) in the 1920s, before shortly returning to Shanghai. ( it is kind of arranged marriage. i.e. they both don’t each other until the marriage.) During this time Watts, develops an affair with another person. After knowing this Walter volunteers to a remote village suffering from a severe Cholera epidemic. In fact he threaten Kitty either take divorce on the grounds of adultery or come with him. With no other options, Kitty go to remote village. Rest of the movie revolves around how these two disappointed married individuals’ couple comes together under dangerous environment. Film ends with upbeat note but leaves bitter sadness behind. The whole atmosphere of the film is very haunting and realistic. Beautiful locations and brilliant cinematography, amazing score, fantastic character development, and outstanding acting. The Painted Veil is easily one of the top ten movies for year 2006. May be it is time to update my top ten 2006 list?

Last weekend movies

The painted veil (8.5/10) {another interesting love story of a disconnected married couple.}

When Harry Met Sally... (8/10) {after 10 years second time I watched this movie.
One of the best romantic comedies ever made.}
Snakes on a Plane(7/10) {start fine but falls a part. Another formula based Hollywood thriller}

Mission Impossible 3 {7/10} {so so movie after one & two. Entertains bit & pieces but over all simple action story. }

I will write my review(‘s) later this week.