
Friday, December 14, 2007

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Brief Movie Review

Starring: Gregory Peck
Directed by: Robert Mulligan

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) was a critically-acclaimed, classic film. I've never read the book & I watched this movie nearly 10 years back & finally got a chance to watch it again.
In brief it is story about a white lawyer, Atticus Finch played by Gregory Peck, agree to defend a poor black man against a rape charge e in 30’s Alabama. Big thanks to Finch kids who are major of plot but also did an excellent job of acting. The court room scenes are dramatic, moving and done right. It's definitely one of the best film of 1962 and one of the top ten films of the '60s. I am catching with most of 60's movies now days.
Memorable scenes:
All court room scenes, in particular
Tom: Yes, sir. I felt right sorry for her. She seemed...
Gilmer: You felt sorry for her? A white woman? You felt sorry for her?

When Finch tells his daughter
“You never know someone until you step inside their skin and walk around for a while.."

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Scoop (2006) Movie Review

Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman and Woody Allen
Directed by: Woody Allen

----Spoilers included-------

Another disappointment from great director Woody Allen after solid Match Point movie.
Coming to the story, a recently deceased well-known reporter, Ian McShane, was given an amazing scoop about a serial killer from another dead person. Then he chooses to appear in the middle of a red magic box to a former dental hygienist turned college journalist Sandra, played by Scarlett Johansson, and the magic act by Splendini’s, played by Woody Allen. One of the ridiculous premise for crime/murder mystery story. Result was a disappointment because of poor script. Unlike his earlier movie, Woody Allen was all over the place, as a A magician & dad & crime investigator, in this movie providing all the laughs & his one-liners dialogs were good in few scenes. Hugh Jackman & Scarlett Johansson were Ok but nothing great to offer. If you are a hard core fan of Woody then you can watch once. To be on safe side, watch without expectations.

Jing wu men (1972) aka Fist of Fury Movie Review

Starring: Bruce Lee

Directed by: Raymond Chow

----Spoilers included-------

Recently purchased Bruce Lee ultimate DVD set collection. This review is based on the English version of JING WU MEN aka Fist of Fury. I am sure I watched Big Boss & Enter the Dragon while I was studying but I am not sure about this movie.

Before going in to the story, a bit history. In the early 19th and 20th century, China was a weak nation with a string of inept leaders. As a result, greedy nations of Europe began forcing their way into the country. Japan also got involved in this colonialism and the Japanese dominating and taking advantage of the Chinese is the setting for the film. It was set in the early 20th century and the film plays up the natural hatred of the Japanese among the Chinese. Even I finding the same today.

Coming to the story, in the opening scene we will come to know that Brice Lee master (a great fighter) was died. As plot unfolds, we will come to know that he was poisoned by a rival master & uncovers a world of crime and prejudice. Plot was very simple like other Bruce Lee movies. {Revenge is common theme across all the Bruce Lee movie scripts} What makes a big difference is Bruce himself. His action irritate's the few scenes,who care about his action, Lee's energetic fight scenes thrills the audience. The scene where Lee destroys the sign in front of Japanese consulate saying Dogs and Chinese people from entering in to the consulate was a classic. The final fight scene with Russian strongman was pretty intense and fun to watch. A must for any Bruce Lee fan and for every martial arts buff. {8/10}

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A History of Violence (2005) Movie Review

Starring: Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello
Directed by: David Cronenberg

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The story is quite simple. Tom Stall, played by Viggo Mortensen, lives in a small town and is the ideal husband & dad. Tom kills two men who are trying rob his diner one night. The publicity that surrounds this event brings back gangsters who claim that he is a violent criminal running away from his past. Initially Ton denies his past & the allegations but it eventually becomes clear that Tom is actually a former mafioso named Joey Cusack, who has been tracked down by his brother, with whom he has unfinished business. Rest of the story revolves around his unfinished business with his brother and coming back to family. script got following minor problems. The slow reveal of story is quite unsettling & graphic violence & some poor sex scenes awkward and without a real point or symbolism. However Maria Bello gives the performance of her career as Tom's wife & Viggo performance also solid. In short it is powerful & solid David Cronenberg movie and well made from a technical point of view. Strictly not for kid or teens.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Last weekend movies

A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE (8/10) is a disturbing and intense drama that sheds light on several aspects of violence in American society & its impact on ordinary people lives. Another solid film by David Cronenberg. Not for kid or teens.

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961){9/10} Audrey Hepburn's finest romantic/comedy film. Director fully known’s that this is Hepburn film and he was never away from her for a long.

Fist of Fury {8/10}: Bruce Lee’s intense & non-stop action movie right from the beginning.
Must for action movie lovers. It’s truly amazing to see Lee fight so fast & cinematography really captureed very good Acton scenes.

Borat (6/10): Overrated & extreme & silly & plane dumb. However there are few scenes bring good laughs.