
Friday, December 14, 2007

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Brief Movie Review

Starring: Gregory Peck
Directed by: Robert Mulligan

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) was a critically-acclaimed, classic film. I've never read the book & I watched this movie nearly 10 years back & finally got a chance to watch it again.
In brief it is story about a white lawyer, Atticus Finch played by Gregory Peck, agree to defend a poor black man against a rape charge e in 30’s Alabama. Big thanks to Finch kids who are major of plot but also did an excellent job of acting. The court room scenes are dramatic, moving and done right. It's definitely one of the best film of 1962 and one of the top ten films of the '60s. I am catching with most of 60's movies now days.
Memorable scenes:
All court room scenes, in particular
Tom: Yes, sir. I felt right sorry for her. She seemed...
Gilmer: You felt sorry for her? A white woman? You felt sorry for her?

When Finch tells his daughter
“You never know someone until you step inside their skin and walk around for a while.."

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