
Friday, November 16, 2007

Clean (2004) movie review

Starring: Maggie Cheung, Nick Nolte
Directed by: Olivier Assayas
Movie opens with Emily, played by Maggie Cheung, breakup fight with her rock star husband & later drug overdose & death of her husband & she goes to jail for drug possession & later her attempts to unite with her son & her attempts to over come her drug addition (she never cared about the son before her husband’s death.) Movie pace was slow & story changes many places i.e. from Canada, Paris, London to San Francisco but over all very well directed & Cheung's convincing performance as a drug addict draw viewers complete attention. Very realistic melodrama with message of people do change & emphasis on unity. If you looking for good drama, this movie fits your bill.

Worst lines from movies

  • I watched so many good classic to awful movies. Following are few worst movie lines from those.

    1) Gene Hackman says "I need food...I have to eat" Enemy of state
    2) 'I'' Pearl Harbor
    3) "Go spidey go!" Spider man
    4) We've been waiting for an hour He's peed three times ...Mr Pink from Fargo
    5) "You did this to become immortal...why?"
    "To live forever!" -House of the Dead
    6) "This is bad." –Titanic
    7) "Today we celebrate our Independence Day." - President Bill Pullman ID
    8) ARE YOU A MEXICAN OR A MEXICAN'T? Once Upon a Time in Mexico
    9) Kill them all, let God sort them out Doom
    10) "What killed the dinosaurs?... The ice age!!" Batman and Robin.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Weather Man (2005) movie review

Starring: Nicolas Cage, Hope Davis, Michael Caine
Directed by: Gore Verbinski

This movie about a normal man David Spritz, played by Nicolas Cage, is a Chicago weather man whose marriage has failed & his wife hates him, whose children are troubled and unhappy, whose father is disappointed in him, and whose self-esteem lies in ruins. In an effort to be a good father he tries to bond with his daughter, but ends up making things worse. Same case with his wife. Movie pacing was slow and builds up to nothing & ends in a downbeat note. The Weatherman isn't a film for everyone. i.e. if you like depressing & downbeat movies, then you may like this one.

Few dialogs:

Easy doesn't enter into grown-up life.

I remember once imagining what my life would be like, what I'd be like. I pictured having all these qualities, strong positive qualities that people could pick up on from across the room. But as time passed, few ever became any qualities that I actually had. And all the possibilities I faced and the sorts of people I could be, all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer. Until finally they got reduced to one, to who I am. And that's who I am, the weather man.

Last weekend movies

The Weather Man (2005) : {8/10} A serious, easy to sit through & downbeat movie.

Clean (2004) : {7/10} A subtle, realistic portrayal of a drug addicted, rock star widow who tries to change her life to unite with her kid. Very good performance by Maggie Cheung.

The Break-up (2006) : {7/10} It was funny in some scenes but overall more serious downbeat movie. {Marketed as comedy? Dead wrong.}