
Friday, November 16, 2007

Worst lines from movies

  • I watched so many good classic to awful movies. Following are few worst movie lines from those.

    1) Gene Hackman says "I need food...I have to eat" Enemy of state
    2) 'I'' Pearl Harbor
    3) "Go spidey go!" Spider man
    4) We've been waiting for an hour He's peed three times ...Mr Pink from Fargo
    5) "You did this to become immortal...why?"
    "To live forever!" -House of the Dead
    6) "This is bad." –Titanic
    7) "Today we celebrate our Independence Day." - President Bill Pullman ID
    8) ARE YOU A MEXICAN OR A MEXICAN'T? Once Upon a Time in Mexico
    9) Kill them all, let God sort them out Doom
    10) "What killed the dinosaurs?... The ice age!!" Batman and Robin.

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