
Friday, October 26, 2007

My Top Ten movies of 2005

I am working on compiling my top 10 movies for year 2005.
Still I have to watch few important foreign movies.
Right now following are top lists

1) Crash
2) Capote
3) Cinderella Man
4) Brokeback Mountain
5) A history of violence
6) Broken flowers
7) V for Vendetta
8) Munich
9) Batman Begins
10) King Kong

Honorable Mentions:

Walk the Line

Brick Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Grizzly Man

Hwal aka The Bow by Ki-duk Kim

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lady in the Water (2006) movie review

After lot of warnings, low meter ratings, I watched Lady in the Water few days back. I don't understand why this movie got such hostility from all. I see problems in the movie that people could object to, but people are calling this the worst movie in years is completely out of proportion. Brief plot is, an apartment complex filled with eccentric people, each with a slight oddity that sets them apart from the rest of the world. Cleveland Heep (Giamatti) is the apartment superintendent. One day Heep discovers a woman named Story swimming in the complex's swimming pool after 10P.M. & Cleveland soon learns that she is a "Narf," a Chinese fairytale, who comes from the other world and has a message for humanity. {One problem is since Narf from a Chinese fairytale, people are expecting Chinese surroundings?) As Heep tries to help her & discovers, each person in the apartment complex becomes an important player in this fairy tale that unfolds. While people have claimed the story is slow, I thought it was well paced. The acting was very good in particular Giamatti performance was awesome. James Newton Howard's score for this movie is truly amazing & camera work also great.
Following are few problems with the picture
Shaymalan in the major role {future’s intellectual savior?)
One minute animation at the beginning {too much story?}
Asian girl & mom were annoying {few times}

Despite with above the problems, one can watch this solid movie. If you are Shyamalan fan then it is must. My rating 7/10.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My top Ten 70's movies

Still I am watching many 70’s movies. As of today, following are my top 10 movies from 1970’s.

1. Taxi Driver
2. The Godfather II
3. Annie Hall
4. Killer of sheep
5. A Clockwork Orange
6. Apocalypse Now
7. Chinatown
8. Jaws
9. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
10. Aguirre, the Wrath of God

Few honorable movies

The Elephant Man
Star Wars
Enter the Dragon
Drunken Master
& Rocky

If I find some time, I will add my small reviews for above movie.
I watched most of them on DVD except "Killer of sheep". I watched it on screen during the recent re-release.

My small review of Two for the Money (2005) movie

Movie opens with background narration by Brandon (Matthew McConaughey), a little kid showing lots of interest for sports & in the initial scenes, he gets injured in the collage football game. After his knee injury, he becomes Vegas odds maker & still trying to get in to shape & in to NFL sport. Al Pacino plays Walter, who runs a sports betting hotline & identifies the talent of Brandon & imports him to New York, to work for hotline & show. Brandon’s initial picks were great success (i.e. at some point he beats with 12-0 wins.) As story goes further, we will see Brandon’s & Walter fallout & heart felt ending. Al Pacino's performance is simply marvelous & Matthew McConaughey & Rene Russo also wonderful too. Movie was very engaging in its understanding what gambling is, how it works and how pervasive it is in America. (Matter of fact it is pervasive across the globe) Plot mainly focuses on the lives people involved in it & its consequences. Plot runs little slow at times & but over all it is OK movie. Don’t watch with great expectations & if you are Al Pacino fan, then it is must for his performance & very few Hollywood movies deals with this rare subject of sports betting.

Monday, October 22, 2007

My small review of Sleuth (1972) movie

"Sleuth" proves that a great screenplay & good action is sufficient to make good thriller with minim cost. This entire movie was made in an old mansion & plot consists of only three characters & yet engages the viewer for whole two plus hours.

Cast: Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine
Directed by: Joseph Mankiewicz
Written by: Anthony Shaffer

Brief plot is about a rich detective novelist named Andrew Wyke (Olivier), who invites Milo Tindle (Caine) an owner of a chain of hair salons to his country side home to discuss Milo's affair with Wyke's wife. As they start talking, they quickly earths a robbery scheme which beneficial to the both i.e. jewelry money to Tindle & insurance money to Wyke. Rest of the plot revolve around these two strangeness does not stop with robbery but two men each have personal motives and the twists and turns. The dialogue were terrific & action by both lead cast was very commendable. {However I never felt Mr.Caine character acting as simple working class man.}
Except few minor problem's movie really rocks. Twists & turns are good.
If you have even slight interest towards mind game thrillers, then this film fits in you bill.

Last weekend movies

The Shawshank Redemption
{An innocent man convicted of life in prison but He never gives up the idea of freedom & hope)

{An intelligent psychological mind game thriller. I will write my short review later}

Two for the Money (2005)
{A little lengthy drama about what gambling is how it works, its pervasive it is in America Matter of fact, and it was pervasive across the globe. This movie focuses gambling around NLF games.)

Rear Window (1954)
Recent Disturbia original. A wheel chaired bound photo grapher starts spying on neighbor across the building & its consequences.