
Monday, October 22, 2007

My small review of Sleuth (1972) movie

"Sleuth" proves that a great screenplay & good action is sufficient to make good thriller with minim cost. This entire movie was made in an old mansion & plot consists of only three characters & yet engages the viewer for whole two plus hours.

Cast: Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine
Directed by: Joseph Mankiewicz
Written by: Anthony Shaffer

Brief plot is about a rich detective novelist named Andrew Wyke (Olivier), who invites Milo Tindle (Caine) an owner of a chain of hair salons to his country side home to discuss Milo's affair with Wyke's wife. As they start talking, they quickly earths a robbery scheme which beneficial to the both i.e. jewelry money to Tindle & insurance money to Wyke. Rest of the plot revolve around these two strangeness does not stop with robbery but two men each have personal motives and the twists and turns. The dialogue were terrific & action by both lead cast was very commendable. {However I never felt Mr.Caine character acting as simple working class man.}
Except few minor problem's movie really rocks. Twists & turns are good.
If you have even slight interest towards mind game thrillers, then this film fits in you bill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great old thriller. Chek this year Remake too.