
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My small review of Two for the Money (2005) movie

Movie opens with background narration by Brandon (Matthew McConaughey), a little kid showing lots of interest for sports & in the initial scenes, he gets injured in the collage football game. After his knee injury, he becomes Vegas odds maker & still trying to get in to shape & in to NFL sport. Al Pacino plays Walter, who runs a sports betting hotline & identifies the talent of Brandon & imports him to New York, to work for hotline & show. Brandon’s initial picks were great success (i.e. at some point he beats with 12-0 wins.) As story goes further, we will see Brandon’s & Walter fallout & heart felt ending. Al Pacino's performance is simply marvelous & Matthew McConaughey & Rene Russo also wonderful too. Movie was very engaging in its understanding what gambling is, how it works and how pervasive it is in America. (Matter of fact it is pervasive across the globe) Plot mainly focuses on the lives people involved in it & its consequences. Plot runs little slow at times & but over all it is OK movie. Don’t watch with great expectations & if you are Al Pacino fan, then it is must for his performance & very few Hollywood movies deals with this rare subject of sports betting.

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