
Sunday, April 29, 2007

My small review of David Fincher's Zodiac (2007) movie

Hollywood was blessed with many new talented director in 90’s. David Fincher is one of them. I enjoyed his earlier movies like Seven, Fight Club, Panic room etc. After 5 years gap he came with Zodiac, an unsolved serial killer case in US. I am not going to write lot of about this movie because it was based on couple of books (One of them is NY best seller.) & there were some movies on this subject. Fincher uncanny ability to establish the right atmosphere for tension which drives most of his movies. This movie also starts with Zodiac killings. In particular killings next to lake chills the audience. His killings, letters to News magazines, police & other organizations chilled the SF bay area people in late 60’s & 70s. Though movie starts with killings, after 20 minutes, story revolves around the four people who dedicated their rest of their life to find the killer. In particular SF chronicle cartoonist & police inspector. Rest of the story revolves around analyzing the crime scenes, leads, investigations etc. This movie runs more then 2.1/2 hours time. But you never feel the length. Director did pretty good job in estlishing the right atmosphere for the tension with best possible dark beginning & maintained the same threw out the movie. They replicated the best possible 1970s atmosphere for the movie & the background music was pretty good & in particular opening credits one & cinematography matched correctly to the mood of movie. Following are few interesting one liners in the movie which comes in the correct time. Before killing you, I am going to throw the baby out of the car” “sorry also comes under talking” “ I need gun” “ I draw the poster” “Give me gun, I am going to kill the son of bitch” “If not me, no one is going to find him” “Tonight is going the strangest date ever in my life”. After long gap, Fincher came with very good movie. If you like his earlier Seven, then you will like this one too. It is too early to predict the 07 Oscars, but I am predicting, this movie will get good no of nominations in the best supporting actor, background score, editing, cinematography etc.

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