
Friday, April 20, 2007

Ghost Rider review

Seems to be I am getting addicted to MARVEL entertainment movies.
Marvel's special effects & good box-office success were the main reasons for watching the Ghost Rider on big screen. It got very simple story & amazing special effects & good action scenes. Story begins with a young motorcycle stuntman(cage) makes a pact with devil to save his father from the illness & in the process he losses his girl friend. Rest of the story revolves around dark force motives & internal conflict & winning his girl back etc. It is better not to write more than this about this movie. Movie is all about good special effects & amazing action scenes. Definitely WOW for few risky stunts. A great popcorn movie. Nicolas Cage performance is OK.Interesting quote from the movie is
"If you dont make a choice, choice will make you"

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