
Monday, April 23, 2007

My small review of GRINDHOUSE(2007) movie

First, I have to say that I love Quentin Tarantino’s (QT) movies. Basically, Grindhouse is two mini-movies put togetherwith some fake previews so that to give a feel of early 70 double treat. ( i.e. two movies for one ticket.) Movie start with fake ”Machete” preview. It is too crazy.Nice quote from this preview is they fucked up the wrong Mexican” Next mini movie “Planet of terror” by Rodriquiz. A zombie flick.It just rocks. From blood to boobs, it simply hot. The heroine of the piece is just smoking hot with two/one/wooded/gun leg. There are many disgusting scenes. But come-on it is Zombie flick.
Once the zombie flick ended, there were more fake previews. I liked Roth’s “Thanksgiving” preview.
Now my favorite QT film "Death Proof". It is basically action thriller with some gore. Stunt man Mike (Kurt Russell) acts as the bad guy.Movie starts with three good looking girls meet up in a car and start talking. Then they go to a bar and keep talking & music & smoking & driniking & more talking etc. Typical QT movie conversations. There they meet Kurt. While everyone is going back , Kurt kills them all with his death proof. In the next scenes, again we will meet 4 more good looking girls & again they smoke & eat & talk a lot. Finally Kurt meets with these 4 girls. But these girls are different from first set. It is like in “Seinfeld “ TV serial, Jerry meets with Jerry. That chase part was pretty entertaining & ending was great. This is my first double treat movie for one ticket price & it was really great. Finally a unique movie experience for me. It is a must for QT fan.
Few dialogs {Kurt Russell introduction}

What's your name?
Stuntman Mike.
Stuntman Mike's your name?
Ask anybody.
Hey Warren, who is this guy?
Stuntman Mike.
And who the hell is Stuntman Mike?
He's a stuntman.

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