
Friday, October 05, 2007

My small review of "High and Low" movie

Recently watched "High and Low" (1963) movie 2ed time & it is from my favorite directors, Akira Kurosawa. Brief plot is about kidnapping of a wealthy shoe magnate (Mifune)'s son & the kidnapper demands 30 million yen. However Mifune's money is tied up to buy the majority of shares to control the ownership of company. After intense struggle, at last he agrees to pay the money however another complication arises because kidnapper kidnaps his houseman’s son by mistake. Whatever may be the case, kidnapper demands the money. Here real struggle starts in Mifune's character i.e. destroy the financial stability of his home & his dreams of owning his company or to save in innocent boy's life? Unlike other Kurosawa movie, up to this point story,
story runs very fast. Finally Mifune agrees to drop the money & rest of story focus
of catching the kidnapper & his motives etc. Film works very well in terms of suspense,
brilliant action and tight screenplay. What makes the Kuroswa special is that he transformed a
simple kidnapping story in to a character study of self introspection, self loating,
self destruction to redumption. If you like suspense thriller, this fit the bill.
A must for Kurosawa fans.

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