
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Derailed (2005) Movie Review

Starring: Clive Owen, Jennifer Aniston
Directed by:Mikael Hafstrom

----Spoilers included-------

Movie begins with quick introduction of Charles family, played by Clive Owen, who was a loving father, devoted husband and over-worked & stressed businessman. One fine day, suddenly, when he gets on the train he realizes that he doesn't have money for a ticket and then walks in the mysterious Lucinda, played by Jennifer Anniston, character who pays for his ticket. Days later, the two, having had lunch, dinner, gone to a bar, decides to have an affair, goes to a hotel & they were attacked & later blackmail & finally we will we will come to know that everything was preplanned. Since I watched so many other Derailed movies, this movie was not effective. Only good thing is Clive Owen's good performance and I felt Jennifer Aniston was a miss fit for the role. If you are a fan of Clive Owen, then you can watch it once or if you never watched earlier Derailed movies, then it is Ok watch else you can ignore this movie.

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