
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Odd Couple (1968) movie review

Starring: Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau

Directed by: Gene Saks

Movie opens with Jack Lemmon, plays as Felix Ungar, is trying to kill himself after his recent split from his wife. Walter Matthau, plays Oscar, his friend & long time poker pal, fun loving slob, an unreliable sports-reporter who lives in divorce from his ex-wife in a bachelor apartment. He offers his distressed friend Felix, an ultra neat guy, a new home in his apartment. Rest of the movie revolves around how two such contrary characters can't share eight room apartment. The premise becomes little tiresome with little room to grow. As far as living together is concerned, it is doomed right from the start. However coming to Comedy, this movie really delivers & totally hilarious. The chemistry between Lemmon and Matthau is simply great. You will see lot’s of great scenes when both men invite their two female neighbors for supper, Flex call to Oscar about dinner plans, asking Oscar about 7’c clock time etc.
If you've never seen this movie you owe it to yourself. So rent it as soon as possible.

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