
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Battleship Potemkin (1925) Movie Review

Directed by: Sergei M. Eisenstein
---Spoilers included-------
"Battleship Potemkin", was on many critics' all time top ten movie lists & I have heard of Battleship Potemkin for sometime and finally got time to view it. (Big thanks to Netflix for unlimited free streamed movie feature. Watched the same movie twice in a 10 hour gap.)

In brief this movie plot revolves around the mutiny on the Battleship Potemkin that helped ignite a populist revolt in Odessa, subsequnt massacre at the hands of Cossack troops and the final encounter with a Russian fleet. I was surprised & stunned for the content. The cinematography, especially the high black and white contrast, the glint of light on the sea at night, is fascinating & this alone worth viewing. Also much talked Odessa Steps sequence was stunning and I can see how this film influenced many of the movies that I enjoy today. The innovation offered by Eisenstein is incredible & truly a classic film. No wonder it finds top place in many critics list. Anyone who loves old films should see this one. 10 out of 10.

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