
Friday, February 08, 2008

Death Proof Movie Review

Written & Directed by: Quentin Tarantino
---Spoilers included-------

In one of earlier post I have mentioned that Grind House is one of the top ten films of 2007. Still I am watching many 2007 movies. But I like the overall experience. I think I wrote small review after watching the same in this blog. I watched Tarantino Death Proof movie part again. {Available in Netflix instance watch category) }Basically this movie is perfect homage to 70’s grind house movies. Tarantino's use of camera, sexual exploitation perfectly blended with energetic actors, characters and story. I personally absolutely loved it. DVD contains lot of extra scenes in particular lap dance part etc. {if you really enjoyed the movies on the screen, then definitely you will enjoy the DVD also) I think the music is the best part & QT dialogs are lengthy but worthy and the movie pace was little slow compared some of QT’s hit movies. Kurt Russell performance was solid & much talked car chase real fun to watch. My rating 8.5/10 alone for movie.

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