
Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 wrap-up

Let me start with nice quote

By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day. --ROBERT FORST, winner of 4 Pulitzer awards

Above is true for my case with exception i.e instead of 12 hours I am spending 14 hours.
In this globalized economy with teams spreading three contenents, this is what I am now. This is the basic reason; I am not finding time to update this blog frequently.
I think I future also I will do the same until I know how to manage my new role right. Having said that, whenever I am finding any free time, I am watching movies (mostly limited to DVDs & few on big screen.)
Following are my top three movies for year 2009.
Not in any particular order

Up: Pixar does it again. Simply Inspiring tale & brilliant in all aspects
Inglorious Bastards: Either you like or dislike Tarantino but this is one of his best works since pulp fiction.
Avatar: It all about Cinematic Experience. If possible watch it on IMAX. Every penny worth it.

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