
Monday, July 16, 2007

My top Ten 90's movies

I am working on compiling my top 10 movies for 90’s & all time top 10 French movies.
I started watching movie from late 90’s onwards, but managed watching most of the movies (all kind of award winning + independent movies).
Again I look for strong and smart screenplay & engaging conversations with realism.
Before jumping to top 10 lists, few honorable movies.

Pretty women (90)

A simple romantic comedy with modern twist. Breaf plot was a business man(Lewis) on a mission to LA lost his way to his hotel end up at Hollywood blvd & hires a sensitive hooker vivien to drive back to his hotel. A simple drive to hotel continues with a one hour & whole night & a weeks for her company & in return she gets flat $. No surprise Vivien fells in love with the Lewis. Movie end with their union with completely changed personalities. Leaving whether this is possible in this world etc kind of thinking, movie got very smart script with brilliant dialogs & very good constumes. Movie gave a whole new carrier to Julie & Gere.

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