
Friday, July 20, 2007

My top Ten 90's movies continued The Usual Suspects (1995) My take

Another movie in to honorable list.

The Usual Suspects (1995)

For me it is tie between Mann’s Heat & Usual Suspects. I am going with Usual Suspects.
Director Bryan singer’s smart script about identification of a criminal arc friend, Who is Keizer Soze? Film opens with shocking carnage scene in which a mystery man executes a man & story goes to back the serious of flashbacks leading the crime & its interrogation. In the flashback, we will see group of crooks assembled for one final task in their life. Objective of opening scene is to create central stage of the story and it was remembered and retold & recollected & imagined by the federal prosecutor, who has his own theories about the crime. Yes. Kurosawa did it 50 years back with Rashomon. ( i.e. a crime can be told in many ways. It is up to the listener to listen & filter & suspect everything & apply logic to get the truth.) With its complex & convoluted plot & great direction & almost brilliant male cast make audience to watch this movie.

1 comment:

Oscar1986 said...

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