
Thursday, September 27, 2007

My small review of CACHE movie

I enjoyed Michael Haneke earlier movie The Piano Teacher. This is the reason, I brought CACHE DVD. Brief plot is Georges (Daniel Auteuil) and Anne (Juliette Binoche) are being watched and filmed as the movie opens. Georges feels he knows exactly who it is which is why he is reluctant to call a private investigator & while Anne in complete shock & surprise. Georges tells his childhood stories in pieces to his wife as movie progresses. When Georges was a small boy his parents adopt an Algerian boy whose parents were killed. Georges was very jealous of Majid and by a few mean tricks managed to get him sent away. After few video tapes Georges visits Majid in a poor flat in contrast to his wealthy life style & threatens him. In a sub plot you will see Anne son’s strange & suspicious behavior i.e. he suspects mom having an affair with her publisher. Film abruptly ends with five minutes long shot on a collage campus entrance doors {as viewer will focus on George's son talking to Majid’s son) Film ending leads to a lot of discussion. After movie, I watched director’s thoughts on the movie. Basically what he want to convey with this kind of movie. In summary it is about, with guilt, how a man lives his rest of life. In terms of acting, Juliette did very job. Rest all OK. As I said, movie ending leads to lot of discussion and viewers have to figure out who sent the tapes etc. If you looking for some verity movie, not a typical Hollywood formula movie, Cache is one of them.

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