
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My small review of V for Vendetta (2006) Movie

Story is old one (i.e. revenge on corrupt government.) I watched so many movies on this theme, for this is the reason, I skipped this movie during initial release. Recently I picked this DVD from library to see Natalie Portman action. I watched few of her earlier movies. (From Leon to Garden state.) Basically I thought “V” is fun character but i was wrong. I found the movie entertaining and the cinematography was really top- notch & the cast was superb in particular Natalie Portman did very commandable job. Hugo Weaving(V) once again shines with some brilliant lines. Few of them on top my head is

V: People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

V - beneath this mask there is more than flesh, beneath this mask there is an idea
mr.creedy and ideas are bullerproof

I felt romance between Natalie Portman and V is not unnecessary & not nedded. V is not only solid movie but its brilliant satires on current governments, subplots on home sexual stuff and church scandals, too deep involvements of governments in to people life’s makes highly thought provoking. V for vendetta is a must see for anybody who enjoy's a good movies.

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