
Friday, December 28, 2007

Living in Oblivion Movie Review

Starring: Steve Buscemi, Catherine Keener
Directed by: Tom DiCillo

---Spoilers included-------

This is one of the funniest films I have ever seen for a while.
Nick Reve, played by Steve Buscemi, is a low budget independent film director. Film opens with two dream sequences and both convey the same message i.e. many things can go wrong on shoot. After a restless night of dreaming of various problems that will plague him, he wakes up to go to the set. With a relatively easy shot due for the day, we will see how much can go wrong. Script was well written, well-acted, funny and very smart. The acting in this movie is superb, especially by Steve Buscemi and Catherine Keener. A must movie for independent movie lovers, especially if you can relate to film making, acting or directing. Director did awesome job. I need to watch more Tom movies.

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