
Monday, December 24, 2007

Take The Money And Run (1969) Movie Review

Starring: Woody Allen, Janet Margolin
Directed by: Woody Allen
---Spoilers included-------
This film is presented as a documentary on the life of an incompetent, petty criminal called Virgil Starkwell but serves as a perfect vehicle for a selection of verbal gags, one-liners.
After a troublesome childhood, Virgil turns to robbing stores, banks as a means of earning an income, but his sheer ineptitude sees him sent to prison on various occasions. The bars of his jail cell, however, are never enough to contain Virgil's enthusiasm for breaking the law, and he conceives numerous daring strategies for escape (some prove successful, while others don't). Very funny but it seems somewhat incomplete & however we detect young Woody Allen slowly perfecting his craft. Following are very good scenes brings lot of laughs.

- The sight of Virgil playing cello in a marching band and his cello flying out a second-story window of his house.

- One attempt when Virgil discovers that the stolen pistol he uses in a holdup is actually a cigarette lighter. {So funny that he runs toward a dead end.}

- The failed heist in a pet store where he is chased by a gorilla. {Scene was very brief & very funny. We will see in desperation, young Virgil do anything for money. Setup for the scene is great.}

- First Virgil's failed escape attempt, when his self-made soap gun melts in a sudden rain storm.

- Another failed bank robbery attempt in the most-often quoted scene, when he hands over his scrawled note to tellers, but mis-spells his holdup note: Please put $50,000 into this bag and abt natural, because I am pointing a gub at you. {This scene alone worth the money.}

- His expressions in the prison when find a bra in the laundry

- The scene where robs & was arrested by his classmate, cop. (Simply brilliant.)

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