
Monday, August 20, 2007

My top Ten 90's movies continued American Beauty (1999) My take

Unexpectedly pulled in to some customer crisis at work so did not get much time to watch new movies or update the blog. Yes. My life will like this for three or four weeks in a year. No strange, event I don’t open my e-mails & any other websites. I am hoping that I will finish my current top10 list and all time top 10 French movies in the next few weeks. Again it is hope.

Now coming to the list one more movie in to honorable movie list.

American Beauty (1999)

Movie start with back-ground narration by actor Kevin spacey “this is my neighborhood, this is my street and this is my life” as camera movies over the street before landing in to his house. American beauty as is dark comedy abuts what life is really like for those people supposed living in American dream. (It is not about lack things but about the unhappy, unfulfilled and dissatisfied people. In one word disconnected people.) In particular, I like the way Kevin Spicy character, a man’s mid life crisis, engages you whole movie. Absolutely a classic movie a debut director.

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